Thursday, May 26, 2011

Going Native- March 2011

Giggles shriek through the chilly afternoon air as Maximo bounds over the tufts of grass in front of me. I smile and spurt forward, capturing his tiny wriggling body and pouring on the tickles. A full on tickling war ensues, quickly joined by 4 or 5 other boys. Panting 10 minutes later, I wave good bye as the ragtag group climbs up a steep hill toward their cardboard homes. My eyes tear as I realize this will be the last time I see them for at least a year.

After a lot of thought and prayer, I have decided to return to the U.S. Over the last year, I have been searching for a long-term vision. While God has only given me glimpses of the specifics, I know that I need to be further equipped to take on that vision. When God fills in the details, I’ll be ready.

I hope to get a job in the next couple weeks and reconnect with people here in Kansas. I have applied to several different colleges in the Midwest and am praying through my options for the fall. I’m also considering several shorter term training options involving teaching English and Spanish fluency. My goal is to become licensed as a Spanish/English interpreter, as well as round out another set of skills to give me more options. Long term, I hope to be back in the foreign mission field within the next 1-4 years. For now, I’m headed to the mission field on both sides of my front door.

Thanks for being part of my vision. Whether you prayed for me, sent money, or wrote a note, you have impacted my life and the lives of many others. To quote Paul, “I thank God every time I think of you.”

Please continue to keep me in your prayers. Transitioning back into your culture can be difficult. I’m praying for ways to avoid debt so that I’m free to go back on the mission field as soon as possible. Pray for good scholarships, lots of work, and creative ideas. Also, pray for clear guidance and wisdom through this transition and beyond.

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