Several hands shoot up as one of the students states her opinion during the debrief of the balance beam exercise. Across hot, sweaty cheeks, lively and cautious eyes, and sprawling bodies, the discussion about individual participation versus team responsibility rapidly criss-crosses the DTS classroom. Some readily interject their opinions, others observe attentively, while a few sit wide eyed. Emotions are running high and personalities are rising to the surface. And after this week, everyone knows how to recognize them. Four days of sharing, taking personality tests, intentional games, and physical challenges has aimed at getting this team to become exactly that- a team. Not just a bunch of individuals going through the same program, but healthy group that work hard for trust, honesty,effectiveness and relationship. Our masks are beginning to wriggle off and the team is learning how to process "real". It's good. It's just the beginning of a molding and integrating process.
As he was praying for our team, our speaker Tim Pratt was reminded of the phrase used by the U.S. military: "Never leave a man behind." And he's repeated it several times in the last four days, trying to get us to grab it and weave it into the make up of who we are as a team. For situations like the one that's sparked this discussion- when someone either got left out of the exercise or chose not to participate and not many people noticed. The way that we process as a team in the classroom will determine how effective we are as a team outside of it- and whether or not we model Jesus' love to each other and others in real life. So I hope we learn well, and choose our actions and words carefully. It's beginning here. And in our brokeness and free will, there's no guarantees we'll be a success. Success will depend on how much we choose to trust each other, how humble we're willing to be, and how much we listen to and obey our Team Leader. As Tim and many others have said, the point is not the goal- it's the journey.
1 comment:
Miss you Amy! I'm glad you're having a great time in the DTS.
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